The internet time clock allows reporting without having to rely on the employees’ presence at specific place or time or on a physical time clock’s location.

There is no need to embed a software solution on the computer system in your business, no need to install a time clock on the wall in your business and no need to transfer the data from the clock to software. In our system, the employer gets a username and password and starts working right away!

Installing a new software application requires costly adjustments to computer systems for the new software, installing physical and mechanical time clocks, purchasing employee cards which often get lost and taking care of upkeep and repair of the time clocks.

A successful website is a website that values certain criteria. One of the most important criteria is ease of use and access to content. Reporting presence is TrackUrs is very simple. You enter the site, enter a username and password and click the “Enter” or “exit” button. In addition to this, reporting can be done through app which called "Trackurs" or "ManagersTrack" and soon via SMS or phone call.

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